Home Projects


Polkadot Network Visualization

Overview: This post is on a project I have been working on named Visualizing-Substrate. It is a program that can access database .db files and use RPC/API calls to substrate-based chains (currently...

Quad UAV Interfacing

Overview: In this lab for CprE-488, we were tasked with designing an interfacing and control platform for a simple quadcopter UAV. Building a system for autonomous flight involves solving challen...

FPGA-based NES Emulator

Overview: In this project for CprE488, my team and I were tasked with designing a new video game console that would outperform the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) using VIVADO, a development ...

Custom ASIC Temperature Sensor

Overview: In this final project for CprE 465, I set out to design and implement a custom ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) that could be used as a temperature sensor. The resulting ASI...

CprE 308 Shell Design

Overview: During CprE 308 we were tasked with creating our own version of a shell for interacting with a linux operating system. This project was creative and enjoyable for me. My Role As this w...